Routine Cleanups ================ tmpfiles.d ---------- This page records things should be configured to clean things up. Adjust if you want. Pacman package cache: ``/etc/tmpfiles.d/pkgcache.conf``:: e /var/cache/pacman - - - 20d Lilac build logs and caches for builds: ``~/.config/user-tmpfiles.d``:: e %h/.lilac/log - - - 30d e %h/.cargo/registry/cache/* - - - 30d e %h/.cargo/registry/src/* - - - 30d e %h/.cargo/checkouts/* - - - 30d e %h/.cache/archbuild-bind-cache/* - - - 30d e %h/.cache/pip/* - - - 30d Start the timer: .. code-block:: sh systemctl --user enable --now systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer Cron jobs or systemd.timer -------------------------- You need to run these scripts periodically: build-cleaner Clean up chroots used by devtools: these chroots are re-usable but they can be too many. This script comes with lilac and requires root privileges. lilac-cleaner Clean up files downloaded and extracted during packaging. They are in the git repository, side-by-side with PKGBUILDs and built packages. This script can be run without installing lilac so you can also run this script locally. This script comes with lilac. Note a ``-f`` argument is needed to actually delete files. repocleaner Clean up old packages inside the package repository. This script is at `repocleaner `_ and should be edited before running. It should be run with root privileges on the server where the package repository is managed.