Source code for lilac2.api

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import shutil
import re
import os
import subprocess
from typing import Dict, List, Union
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Iterable, Iterator
import fileinput
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from types import SimpleNamespace
import tarfile
import io
from contextlib import suppress
from import Container
from urllib.parse import quote

import requests

from .vendor.myutils import at_dir
from .vendor.htmlutils import parse_document_from_requests

from .cmd import git_pull, git_push, UNTRUSTED_PREFIX
from .cmd import run_cmd as _run_cmd
from . import const, intl
from .const import _G, SPECIAL_FILES
from .typing import PkgRel, Cmd
from .pypi2pkgbuild import gen_pkgbuild
from . import mediawiki2pkgbuild
from .pkgbuild import get_srcinfo


logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_g = SimpleNamespace()
UserAgent = 'lilac/0.2b (package auto-build bot, by lilydjwg)'

s = requests.Session()
s.headers['User-Agent'] = UserAgent

VCS_SUFFIXES = ('-git', '-hg', '-svn', '-bzr')
  'dnrops': "creates packages that install packages into the packager's system",

def _unquote_item(s: str) -> Optional[str]:
  m ='''[ \t'"]*([^ '"]+)[ \t'"]*''', s)
  if m is not None:
    return None

def _add_into_array(line: str, values: Iterable[str]) -> str:
  l = line.find('(')
  r = line.rfind(')')
  if r != -1:
    line_l, line_m, line_r = line[:l+1], line[l+1:r], line[r:]
    line_l, line_m, line_r = line[:l+1], line[l+1:], ''
  arr = {_unquote_item(x) for x in line_m.split(' ')}.union(values)
  arr_nonone = [i for i in arr if i is not None]
  arr_elems_str = '"{}"'.format('" "'.join(arr_nonone))
  line = line_l + arr_elems_str + line_r
  return line

[docs] def add_into_array(which: str, extra: Iterable[str]) -> None: ''' Add more values into the ``which`` shell array in the PKGBUILD file ''' field_appeared = False pattern = re.compile(r'\s*' + re.escape(which) + r'=') for line in edit_file('PKGBUILD'): if pattern.match(line): line = _add_into_array(line, extra) field_appeared = True print(line) if not field_appeared: with open('PKGBUILD', 'a') as f: line = f'{which}=()' line = _add_into_array(line, extra) f.write(line + '\n')
def _build_add_into_array_func(name: str): source = f''' def add_{name}(extra: Iterable[str]) -> None: """ Add more values into the ``{name}`` shell array in the PKGBUILD file """ add_into_array('{name}', extra) ''' exec(source, globals(), globals()) _build_add_into_array_func('arch') _build_add_into_array_func('depends') _build_add_into_array_func('makedepends') _build_add_into_array_func('checkdepends') _build_add_into_array_func('conflicts') _build_add_into_array_func('replaces') _build_add_into_array_func('provides') _build_add_into_array_func('groups')
[docs] def edit_file(filename: str) -> Iterator[str]: '''Edit the file in a loop, e.g.: .. code-block:: python for line in edit_file('PKGBUILD'): if line.startswith('_name='): line = '_name=newname' print(line) ''' with fileinput.input(files=(filename,), inplace=True) as f: for line in f: yield line.rstrip('\n')
[docs] def obtain_array(name: str) -> Optional[List[str]]: ''' Obtain an array variable from PKGBUILD. Works by calling bash to source PKGBUILD, writing the array to a temporary file, and reading from the file. ''' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir='/tmp') as output_file: command_write_array_out = """printf "%s\\0" "${{{}[@]}}" > {}""" \ .format(name, extra_binds = ['--bind',,, '--ro-bind', 'PKGBUILD', '/tmp/PKGBUILD', '--chdir', '/tmp'] command_export_array = UNTRUSTED_PREFIX + extra_binds + [ # type: ignore '/bin/bash', '-c', "source PKGBUILD && {}".format(command_write_array_out) ], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True) res = if res == '\0': return None variable = res.split('\0')[:-1] return variable
[docs] def obtain_depends() -> Optional[List[str]]: return obtain_array('depends')
[docs] def obtain_makedepends() -> Optional[List[str]]: return obtain_array('makedepends')
[docs] def obtain_optdepends( parse_dict: bool=True ) -> Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], List[str]]]: obtained_array = obtain_array('optdepends') if not obtained_array: return obtained_array if parse_dict: return {pkg.strip(): desc.strip() for (pkg, desc) in (item.split(':', 1) if ':' in item else (item, '') for item in obtained_array)} else: return obtained_array
[docs] def vcs_update() -> None: '''update VCS sources''' # clean up the old source tree shutil.rmtree('src', ignore_errors=True) run_protected(['makepkg', '-od', '--noprepare', '-A'], use_pty=True)
def _is_tmpfs(d: str) -> bool: cmd = ['findmnt', '-n', '-o', 'FSTYPE', '--', d] p =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return p.returncode == 0 and p.stdout == b'tmpfs\n'
[docs] def run_protected(cmd: Cmd, **kwargs) -> str: '''run a command that sources PKGBUILD and thus is protected by bwrap''' # clean up the old source tree pwd = os.getcwd() basename = os.path.basename(pwd) extra_args = [ '--share-net', '--bind', pwd, f'/tmp/{basename}', '--chdir', f'/tmp/{basename}', '--ro-bind', const.mydir / 'gnupg', os.path.expanduser('~/.gnupg'), ] if _is_tmpfs('/var/lib/archbuild'): extra_args.extend(['--tmpfs', f'/tmp/{basename}/src']) return _run_cmd(UNTRUSTED_PREFIX + extra_args + # type: ignore cmd, **kwargs)
[docs] def run_cmd(cmd: Cmd, **kwargs) -> str: if cmd == ['updpkgsums'] or any( x.startswith('makepkg ') for x in cmd if isinstance(x, str) ): return run_protected(cmd, **kwargs) else: return _run_cmd(cmd, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_pkgver_and_pkgrel() -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[PkgRel]]: pkgrel: Optional[PkgRel] = None pkgver = None cmd = 'source PKGBUILD && declare -p pkgver pkgrel || :' output = run_protected(['/bin/bash', '-c', cmd], silent = True) pattern = re.compile('declare -- pkg(ver|rel)="([^"]+)"') for line in output.splitlines(): m = pattern.fullmatch(line) if m: value = if == "rel": try: pkgrel = int(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): pkgrel = value else: pkgver = value return pkgver, pkgrel
def _next_pkgrel(rel: PkgRel) -> int: if isinstance(rel, int): return rel + 1 first_segment = rel.split('.')[0] return int(first_segment) + 1
[docs] def update_pkgver_and_pkgrel( newver: str, *, updpkgsums: bool = True) -> None: pkgver, pkgrel = get_pkgver_and_pkgrel() assert pkgver is not None and pkgrel is not None for line in edit_file('PKGBUILD'): if line.startswith('pkgver=') and pkgver != newver: line = f'pkgver={newver}' elif line.startswith('pkgrel='): if pkgver != newver: line = 'pkgrel=1' else: line = f'pkgrel={_next_pkgrel(pkgrel)}' print(line) if updpkgsums: run_protected(["updpkgsums"])
[docs] def update_pkgrel( rel: Optional[PkgRel] = None, ) -> None: with open('PKGBUILD', errors='replace') as f: pkgbuild = def replacer(m): nonlocal rel if rel is None: rel = _next_pkgrel( return str(rel) pkgbuild = re.sub(r'''(?<=^pkgrel=)['"]?([\d.]+)['"]?''', replacer, pkgbuild, count=1, flags=re.MULTILINE) with open('PKGBUILD', 'w') as f: f.write(pkgbuild)'pkgrel updated to %s', rel)
[docs] def pypi_pre_build( depends: Optional[List[str]] = None, python2: bool = False, pypi_name: Optional[str] = None, arch: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, makedepends: Optional[List[str]] = None, depends_setuptools: bool = True, provides: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, conflicts: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, prepare: Optional[str] = None, check: Optional[str] = None, optdepends: Optional[List[str]] = None, license: Optional[str] = None, license_file: Optional[str] = None, pep517: bool = False, ) -> None: if python2: raise ValueError('pypi_pre_build no longer supports python2') pkgname = os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) if pypi_name is None: pypi_name = pkgname.split('-', 1)[-1] _new_pkgver, pkgbuild = gen_pkgbuild( pypi_name, pkgname = pkgname, depends = depends, arch = arch, makedepends = makedepends, depends_setuptools = depends_setuptools, provides = provides, conflicts = conflicts, prepare = prepare, check = check, optdepends = optdepends, license = license, license_file = license_file, pep517 = pep517, ) with open('PKGBUILD', 'w') as f: f.write(pkgbuild)
[docs] def pypi_post_build() -> None: git_add_files('PKGBUILD') git_commit()
[docs] def git_add_files( files: Union[str, List[str]], *, force: bool = False, ) -> None: if isinstance(files, str): files = [files] try: if force: _run_cmd(['git', 'add', '-f', '--'] + files) else: _run_cmd(['git', 'add', '--'] + files) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # on error, there may be a partial add, e.g. some files are ignored _run_cmd(['git', 'reset', '--'] + files) raise
[docs] def git_commit(*, check_status: bool = True) -> None: if check_status: ret = [x for x in _run_cmd(["git", "status", "-s", "."]).splitlines() if x.split(None, 1)[0] != '??'] if not ret: return pkgbase = os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) msg = f'{_G.commit_msg_prefix}{pkgbase}: auto updated to {_G.built_version}' _run_cmd(['git', 'commit', '--no-gpg-sign', '-m', msg])
[docs] class AurDownloadError(Exception): def __init__(self, pkgname: str) -> None: self.pkgname = pkgname
def _allow_update_aur_repo(pkgname: str, diff: str) -> bool: is_vcs = pkgname.endswith(VCS_SUFFIXES) for line in diff.splitlines(): if not line.startswith(('+', '-')) or line.startswith(('+++', '---')): # Not a changed line continue line = line[1:] # remove the +/- marker if is_vcs and not line.startswith(('pkgver=', 'pkgrel=')): return True if not is_vcs and not line.startswith('pkgrel='): return True return False def _aur_exists(pkgbase: str) -> bool: arg = quote(pkgbase) url = f'{arg}' # The API uses only pkgname, not pkgbase # url = f'[]={arg}' r = s.get(url) code = r.status_code if code >= 500: r.raise_for_status() return r.status_code != 404 def _update_aur_repo_real(pkgbase: str) -> None: if not _aur_exists(pkgbase): raise Exception('AUR package not exists, not updating!', pkgbase) aurpath = const.AUR_REPO_DIR / pkgbase if not aurpath.is_dir():'cloning AUR repo: %s', aurpath) with at_dir(const.AUR_REPO_DIR): _run_cmd(['git', 'clone', f'{pkgbase}.git']) else: with at_dir(aurpath): # reset everything, dropping local commits _run_cmd(['git', 'reset', '--hard', 'origin/master']) git_pull() with at_dir(aurpath): oldfiles = set(_run_cmd(['git', 'ls-files']).splitlines()) newfiles = set()'copying files to AUR repo: %s', aurpath) files = _run_cmd(['git', 'ls-files']).splitlines() for f in files: if f in SPECIAL_FILES: continue logger.debug('copying file %s', f) shutil.copy(f, aurpath) newfiles.add(f) with at_dir(aurpath): for f in oldfiles - newfiles: if f in ['.SRCINFO', '.gitignore']: continue logger.debug('removing file %s', f) try: os.unlink(f) except OSError as e: logger.warning('failed to remove file %s: %s', f, e) if not _allow_update_aur_repo(pkgbase, _run_cmd(['git', 'diff'])): return with open('.SRCINFO', 'wb') as srcinfo: srcinfo.write(get_srcinfo()) _run_cmd(['git', 'add', '.']) p =['git', 'diff-index', '--quiet', 'HEAD']) if p.returncode != 0: msg = f'[lilac] updated to {_G.built_version}' _run_cmd(['git', 'commit', '--no-gpg-sign', '-m', msg]) _run_cmd(['git', 'push'])
[docs] def update_aur_repo() -> None: '''update the package on AUR if suitable. ``lilac`` must have the permission to do so, i.e. added as a co-maintainer. For VCS packages, if only the version changes, the package on AUR won't be updated. ''' pkgbase = os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) try: _update_aur_repo_real(pkgbase) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: l10n = intl.get_l10n('mail') _G.repo.send_error_report( _G.mod, exc = e, subject = l10n.format_value('aur-submit-error'), )
[docs] def git_pkgbuild_commit() -> None: git_add_files('PKGBUILD') git_commit()
def _prepend_self_path() -> None: mydir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent path = os.environ['PATH'] os.environ['PATH'] = str(mydir / path)
[docs] def single_main(build_prefix: str = 'makepkg') -> None: from .vendor.nicelogger import enable_pretty_logging from . import lilacpy from .worker import lilac_build _prepend_self_path() enable_pretty_logging('DEBUG') with lilacpy.load_lilac(Path('.')) as mod: lilac_build( 0, mod, build_prefix = build_prefix, )
[docs] def clean_directory() -> List[str]: '''clean all PKGBUILD and related files''' files = _run_cmd(['git', 'ls-files']).splitlines()'clean directory') ret = [] for f in files: if f in SPECIAL_FILES: continue logger.debug('unlink file %s', f) ret.append(f) with suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.unlink(f) return ret
def _try_aur_url(name: str) -> bytes: aur4url = '{name}.tar.gz' templates = [aur4url] urls = [url.format(first_two=name[:2], name=name) for url in templates] for url in urls: response = s.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: logger.debug("downloaded aur tarball '%s' from url '%s'", name, url) return response.content logger.error("failed to find aur url for '%s'", name) raise AurDownloadError(name) def _download_aur_pkgbuild(name: str) -> List[str]: content = io.BytesIO(_try_aur_url(name)) files = [] with name=name+".tar.gz", mode="r:gz", fileobj=content ) as tarf: for tarinfo in tarf: basename, remain = os.path.split( if basename == '': continue if remain in SPECIAL_FILES + ('.AURINFO', '.SRCINFO', '.gitignore'): continue = remain tarf.extract(tarinfo, filter='tar') files.append(remain) return files
[docs] def git_rm_files(files: List[str]) -> None: if files: _run_cmd(['git', 'rm', '--cached', '--'] + files)
def _get_aur_packager(name: str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str]: doc = parse_document_from_requests(f'{name}', s) maintainer_cell = doc.xpath('//th[text()="Maintainer:"]/following::td[1]')[0] maintainer: Optional[str] = maintainer_cell.text_content().strip().split(None, 1)[0] last_packager_cell = doc.xpath('//th[text()="Last Packager:"]/following::td[1]')[0] last_packager = last_packager_cell.text_content().strip() if not maintainer: maintainer = None return maintainer, last_packager
[docs] def aur_pre_build( name: Optional[str] = None, *, do_vcs_update: Optional[bool] = None, maintainers: Union[str, Container[str]] = (), ) -> None: # import pyalpm here so that lilac can be easily used on non-Arch # systems (e.g. Travis CI) import pyalpm if name is None: name = os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) maintainer, last_packager = _get_aur_packager(name) if last_packager == 'lilac': who = maintainer else: who = last_packager if maintainers: error = False if isinstance(maintainers, str): error = who != maintainers else: error = who not in maintainers if error: raise Exception('unexpected AUR package maintainer / packager', who) if who and (msg := AUR_BLACKLIST.get(who)): raise Exception('blacklisted AUR package maintainer / packager', who, msg) pkgver, pkgrel = get_pkgver_and_pkgrel() _g.aur_pre_files = clean_directory() _g.aur_building_files = _download_aur_pkgbuild(name) aur_pkgver, aur_pkgrel = get_pkgver_and_pkgrel() if pkgver and pkgver == aur_pkgver: if pyalpm.vercmp(f'1-{pkgrel}', f'1-{aur_pkgrel}') < 0: # use aur pkgrel pass else: # bump update_pkgrel() if do_vcs_update is None: do_vcs_update = name.endswith(VCS_SUFFIXES) if do_vcs_update: vcs_update() # recheck after sync, because AUR pkgver may lag behind new_pkgver, new_pkgrel = get_pkgver_and_pkgrel() if pkgver and pkgver == new_pkgver: if pkgrel is None: next_pkgrel = 1 else: next_pkgrel = _next_pkgrel(pkgrel) if pyalpm.vercmp(f'1-{next_pkgrel}', f'1-{new_pkgrel}') > 0: update_pkgrel(next_pkgrel)
[docs] def aur_post_build() -> None: git_rm_files(_g.aur_pre_files) existing_files = [x for x in _g.aur_building_files if os.path.exists(x)] git_add_files(existing_files, force=True) output = _run_cmd(["git", "status", "-s", "."]).strip() if output: git_commit() del _g.aur_pre_files, _g.aur_building_files
[docs] def download_official_pkgbuild(name: str) -> list[str]: url = '' + name'download PKGBUILD for %s.', name) info = s.get(url).json() pkg = [r for r in info['results'] if not r['repo'].endswith('testing')][0] pkgbase = pkg['pkgbase'] epoch = pkg['epoch'] pkgver = pkg['pkgver'] pkgrel = pkg['pkgrel'] if epoch: tag = f'{epoch}-{pkgver}-{pkgrel}' else: tag = f'{pkgver}-{pkgrel}' tarball_url = '{0}/-/archive/{1}/{0}-{1}.tar.bz2'.format(pkgbase, tag) logger.debug('downloading Arch package tarball from: %s', tarball_url) tarball = s.get(tarball_url).content path = f'{pkgbase}-{tag}' files = [] with name=f"{pkgbase}-{tag}.tar.bz2", fileobj=io.BytesIO(tarball) ) as tarf: for tarinfo in tarf: dirname, filename = os.path.split( if dirname != path: continue if filename in ('.SRCINFO', '.gitignore', '.nvchecker.toml'): continue = filename logger.debug('extract file %s.', filename) tarf.extract(tarinfo, filter='tar') files.append(filename) return files
[docs] def check_library_provides() -> None: pkg_pattern = re.compile(r'\.pkg\.tar\.[^.]+$') provides_pattern = re.compile(r'^provides = .*\.so$') pkgs = [n for n in os.listdir() if] for pkg in pkgs: pkginfo = _run_cmd(['tar', 'xOf', pkg, '--force-local', '.PKGINFO']) for line in pkginfo.splitlines(): if provides_pattern.match(line): raise Exception(f'{pkg} has an unversioned library "provides" entry: {line[11:]}')
[docs] def mediawiki_pre_build( name: str, mwver: str, desc: str, license: str, ) -> None: pkgbuild = mediawiki2pkgbuild.gen_pkgbuild(name, mwver, desc, license, s) with open('PKGBUILD', 'w') as f: f.write(pkgbuild) run_protected(["updpkgsums"])
[docs] def mediawiki_post_build() -> None: git_add_files('PKGBUILD') git_commit()